Oily stain on a cotton jumper

I have an oily sticky mark on my jumper and we have tried dabbing it with shampoo, dish wash detergent and wool wash. None have made any impression on it. I have no idea how I got the stain but it looks like my thumb size and maybe I had something on it when I took the jumper off.
All that I can think of is it maybe grease from a roast we had that night and I did the washing up.

29270cookie-checkOily stain on a cotton jumper

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Dr Chemical
Dr Chemical

Get some Kenco from Bunnings and use it as a spot cleaner. Alternatively, if it is oven grease, sugar soap will work


Spray oven cleaner on it liberally (yes oven cleaner) and leave for a few minutes, rinse and repeat. the oven cleaner won’t damage your clothes at all.