How to get your carpets REALLY clean

There are several good products for spot cleaning carpets, but what if the day comes when you need it done professionally –  perhaps you are vacating a rental property, or perhaps you just want to spruce up your carpets at home.

There are several technologies available – essentially chemical treatments with the products of the chemical process being sucked out by a handheld machine, and high pressure steam cleaning with high vacuum extraction by a truck-mounted machine.

Well, the bottom line is that the second technology works far better than the first, and the reason for this is gravity.

When it comes to cleaning clothes, of course, it’s a different story. We can toss the garments into the washing machine and the mechanical action will dislodge the particles, often assisted by surfactants, enzymes or oxidisers.

But we can’t toss carpets into the washing machine. That means that the cleaning process must reverse the effect of gravity, and for this there is simply no substitute for a high vacuum extractive process from an industrial-size truck mounted machine.

I recently had a house cleaned with this process and the results were nothing short of spectacular. It isn’t the cheapest service around, but given the results it was easily the best value of all the technologies that I’ve tried.

The name of the business is Clean Underfoot (very aptly named) and you can get him on 0418 916 245 (his name is Duncan Beatty)

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2 thoughts on “How to get your carpets REALLY clean

  1. Hi Dr Chemical
    I tried contracting Duncan but there was no answer. Please could you recommend another carpet cleaner?

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