Chemistry of Cleaning #1: How Do You Clean Silver?

A caller off-air today asked how to clean silver.

Silver, as we all know, can tarnish – lose its lustre as it forms an oxide (or sulphide) coating upon exposure to air.

as it happens, the solution is simple: SILVO

SILVO, made by the same people that make BRASSO, is about 50 or 60 years old.  It is one of my “evergreen” products – that is, products that still sell today, despite the complete absence of any advertising or marketing.  They sell simply because they work – it’s that simple.

SILVO contains mild chemicals and abrasives that do a perfect job of removing tarnish and restoring your silverware to its pristine state.

It’s sold in a small tin can about 200 mL I think, in the cleaning chemicals section of most supermarkets or hardware stores (normally right next to BRASSO).

2270cookie-checkChemistry of Cleaning #1: How Do You Clean Silver?